AdTime SA
SUBCONTRACTINGmachiningindustrial equipmentrollingpolishingwatch componentsmicrotechnology componentsSURFACE TREATMENTCOMPONENTSACCESSORIES - TOOLSMicrotechnology precision toolsWatchmaking and jewelry precision toolsMACHINESMachine componentsMachines (manufacturers)Machines (revision)Machinery equipmentSERVICESTechnical officesDesign officesROBOTICAutomationMETROLOGY

- Description
- AdTime SA is a company that develops and markets special machines dedicated to the watch industry and microtechnology. In particular, it offers machining (rolling, drilling, tapping, milling) and decoration machines (circling, notching).
- Contact
- Rue des Artisans 4, 2830 COURRENDLIN, Suisse
- Phone
- +41 32 435 19 91
- Website
- Categories
- Horlogerie
- Secondary sector of activity
- Microtechnologie